Title: Costs and Benefits of Trade Barriers for Regional Fisheries

Importance: Free and open trade offers local and regional fisheries access to global markets, but opens the same fisheries to greater market competition. Some countries, including the US, elect to protect domestic fisheries via subsidies and tariffs in order to limit competition and ensure stability for those fisheries and the communities reliant on them. Numerous problems may arise with the introduction of more protectionist fisheries trade policy, however, including retaliatory tariffs, limited access to global supply chains, and unsustainable fishing practices. 

Background: Fishing communities have advocated for, and in some cases have been granted fisheries subsidies, reducing the cost of fishing and increasing their competitiveness in the domestic and international marketplace. Fisheries became a major topic of debate in recent Brexit negotiations, after fishermen advocated for subsidies and restricted access to fishing grounds. Some in the community now question that position, as greater access to fishing grounds came at the cost of open access to European markets.

Question: What are the tradeoffs when considering trade barriers for fisheries?

Approach: Explore the costs and benefits of free trade on fisheries and agriculture products versus prioritizing domestically produced. Develop case studies exploring how changing trade conditions impact fisheries and fishing communities. 

Contact Info: MaryOdum@evarf.org

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