What We Do

The Everett-Vehrs Conservation and Research Foundation works to rebuild and sustain living natural resources through research and conservation efforts particularly those that promote their wise use. We also look at some broad questions about humans and their environment that are important to society at large and for which there is scant knowledge.

We serve as a catalyst to bring groups together, many of which have seemingly opposing goals. Nevertheless, there is usually some common ground to be found - whether it is a healthy ecosystem, reasonably priced and secure food, a vibrant community, or low cost and abundant energy.

For each of our projects, we identify those citizens with shared concerns and work with them to determine objectives and a framework for the project and determine what each party is able to commit towards finding a solution. Together we will develop a funding proposal and submit it to appropriate government agencies and philanthropic, conservation and industry groups. EVCARF staff will manage the project with an oversight group of those with a vested interest in the project.

We will also prepare reports and scientific papers for delivery or publication at conferences and symposia, in newsletters of affected groups, in regulatory proceedings, and on our own social media accounts and our website.