
Conservation and Research Projects

We will pursue our goals in several ways via grants and other aid and assistance. Examples of the types of work being pursued include:

A. Research on the overlooked roles and interaction among ocean ecosystem components, from plant (phyto) plankton species and the animals that eat them and each other, and including all the interactions to the top of the food chain. Predators and prey interact in unexpected and under-appreciated ways. The findings will be announced sometime in the future and changes in fisheries management will be recommended and supported, allowing increases in the productivity of many fisheries from Texas to Maine and California through Alaska. 

B. Research on the relationship of living aquatic resources to their environment throughout the USA. The focus is on the effects of a changing climate in causing species relocations and changes in predator/prey relationships and in reproductive success. Our changing climate considers cooling as well as warming.

C. Additional climate research we are pursuing is weighing the relative effects of driving forces that are warming the climate such as: dark surfaces (e.g., from soot, asphalt, roofs); greenhouse effects from building and automobile and truck windows; energy consumption (e.g., heating, cooling, lighting, power); human bodies at 100 watts each and our food animals and pets; darkening of the Earth through increased and darker vegetation (from carbon dioxide (CO2) fertilization); and greenhouse gases such as water vapor (the most powerful), methane, Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), and CO2. 

D. Advocating for sustainable practices by making available existing and new knowledge at industry and community meetings and conferences and via social media. Topics will include the effects of litter and spilled chemicals and fuels, care in releasing non-target and undersized animals - both to practice good consertorship, but also to understand the effect of their release on elements of the ecolog , and opportunities to maintain harvested species in the highest quality needed to market the products.

E. Promote and support the use of technologies to minimize the incidental taking of endangered or threatened non-target animals during harvesting operations – for example, the entanglement and killing of whales and turtles in buoy lines during crab and lobster fishing. The Foundation will engage in literature reviews and support of developing technologies to reduce incidental killing of endangered species during fishing operations and other human activities. When ready, options to reduce such kills will be published and presented to the fishing industry and federal regulators.

F. The Organization intends to present options to government regulators to allow the development of wind power in offshore waters while minimizing the impact on the fishing and shipping industry. Identified technologies include some being deployed in the United Kingdom that require singular monopole windmill towers (rather than a platform base) and the burying of all cables very deeply to avoid current scouring and damage by towed fishing gear, using a newly operational equipment. Such systems would reopen fishing grounds to most fishing activities and to maritime shipping.

Project Details are available here - with opportunities to work with us.